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Monday, January 7, 2013

Calif. governor wants out-of-state inmates back

Gov. Jerry Brown wants to end a 6-year-old program that has sent thousands of California inmates to private prisons in other states, although he may not get the chance unless he can persuade federal judges to revise an order limiting the number of inmates the state can hold.

The governor's office must submit a plan to the federal court by midnight Monday outlining how California will meet the court's inmate population cap by the end of the year. Continuing the out-of-state contracts is among the easiest ways for the state to comply, but that option is opposed by Brown's administration and by attorneys representing inmates.

The courts imposed the inmate cap to force California to improve medical and mental health care for its prisoners, a decision that has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Brown wants to return the nearly 9,000 inmates to California over the next four years, a step his administration said would save the state roughly $300 million annually.

"Returning these inmates to California will stop the flow of taxpayer dollars to other states," Brown said in his budget plan from last year.

His proposal relies on federal judges allowing the state to keep an additional 6,000 inmates above the court-ordered cap, something the judges have not been willing to do so far.

The administration and the inmate advocates acknowledge that the trade-off for ending the out-of-state contracts could be reduced sentences for some criminals, early releases and new construction at existing state prisons. Those alternatives would be necessary to keep California's inmate population within the federal cap…..http://www.fresnobee.com/2013/01/07/3124934/calif-governor-wants-out-of-state.html#storylink=cpy


Relavent said...

Look at what is possible with Arnold's henchmen out of the way. Coherent thinking is starting to take place concerning the over crowding issues of California prisons, in Sacramento and possibly CDCR (wishful thinking). I hope this is becoming a trend away from the lunacy of the Schwarzenegger screw state workers just because I can era. Under Cates the era was extended far beyond Arnold's last days in California's governor's office, for the ex and current employees of CDCR. They were never giving a fair deal being used as nothing more than pawns in a game. These men and women were made to pay for the blundering mistakes of thoughtless leadership.

Needless to say, the bean counters got it horribly wrong, pursuing the illusion of savings for the California economy via CDCR. The only thing it did was rip the pockets of the California economy even more to make the deficit worse. Consequently, it was a costly under (intentionally written)faking of common sense, although they were out of touch with reality, and used out right lies that spawned AB-109. A law that should be known as The California Unsafe Public Initiative. A grave mistake that should be repealed in a bipartisan manner, in the best interest of California's citizens instead of the political points, as was shamelessly done by the previous governor and his kiss ass administration. When they brilliantly (not!) determined that throwing The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and it employees under their political bus, was going to save the California economy. What a horrible joke to play on the lives of state employees!

B-Polished said...

Recently we have been receiving level II inmates back from out of state (COCF), just to swap them out with level III's.

So we get more low level inmates back into the state system and send more violent prone inmates out of state.

Remember, inmates had to be non-violent, non-sex offender, non-gang members (non-non-non's) to qualify for a COCF, just like non-revocable parolees.

Brown and the state are using those same qualifications to return & release existing COCF inmates in exchange for higher classified (level III) to get the state institutions population down.

Another hide the pea game by state politicians at public safeties expense.
I'm Just Sayin...