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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Correctional officers see gift in Jerry Brown's prison plan

That faint cheer you may have heard Tuesday came from California's correctional officers' union when Gov. Jerry Brown said he wants to end prison privatization.

The governor recommitted this week to bring the prisoners home at the same time he's asking federal judges to butt out of the state's prison business. The system's chronic overcrowding and poor inmate medical care, he said, are fixed.

"I applaud the governor's move to bring this back to the forefront," said Chuck Alexander, executive vice president of the California Correctional Peace Officers Association. "If we're going to have people incarcerated, wouldn't those California tax dollars be better spent in California?"

Everyone expects pushback from the bench. While the administration deeply cut the inmate census, it won't get to the court- ordered 110,000 prisoners by this summer – and that's before adding 8,900 or so out-of-state convicts phased back into the system.

Still, Brown's promise to ax private prison contracts illustrates how relations with CCPOA have changed…..The State Worker: Correctional officers see gift in Jerry Brown's prison plan - The State Worker - The Sacramento Bee


Anonymous said...

will there be an academy soon? or not

Anonymous said...

I recently looked on the careers section of CDCR and they had an open academy to come.

The Stockton Hospital is a good thing for officers jobwise.

Anonymous said...

well i think the stockton facility will be for laid off officers and or transfers. hopefully for newcomers too.

Anonymous said...

i recently checked on careers but did not find any open academies?

Anonymous said...

The way it seems to be shaking out, laid off officers are up *#@! creek. It appears that the Stockton facility will be filled with transfers. New or reopened facilities are not part of the layoff rehire process apparently. I think they are wanting any new hires to head to hard to fill spots like Pelican or High Desert.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but I hear from reliable sources that laid off cops will not receive any chances to come back until after all waves have played out. Total of 8

Anonymous said...

Well as long there's a chance to an academy that will be good.

Anonymous said...

Wave 8? If you believe those CDCR tales I have some leprechaun gold to sell you. That's another 3 years total at an average of 2 waves per year! Some people really need to wake up! That's just impossible!

Anonymous said...

If you think their won't be 8 waves, then you'd better wake up

Anonymous said...

They can't start an academy before rehiring officers on Re-employment list. As of today, Jan 13,2013 they have no info. for the implementation or activation of the Re-employment list. Wave 3 needs to take its course and then we "laid off" officers can see what we have for options. The Stockton facility is to be staffed by current officers wiling to relocate, which will open up more spots throughout the state. My questions are 1) How many Parole Agents are going to be willing to return to or work for the first time in a prison. 2) How many current officers will be willing to relocate to Stockton. Stockton is nasty but has decent to good areas around it. Be safe. Diemert

Anonymous said...

The memo said they wanted seasoned c/o for opening Stockton. And eight waves sounds about right. Paroles is going to be sending agents back till 2016, when by that time they will take care of the high risk offenders.good luck to all the officers that were laid off hopefully a lot retire this year!

Anonymous said...

#1 No senior cops will want to willingly go to Stockton.
#2 Parole agents will take jobs in counties before going back to prison work unless they can take a CCI position.
#3 Piles and piles are retiring.
#4 The influx of offenders has dramatically increased in the last month.
#5 The placement of the laid off will commence by spring if not sooner
#6 ccpoa if they know of this, are not saying because they are trying to create a fiction that ccpoa is the reason for the rehiring of the laid off,,,

Anonymous said...

#7 start hiring new people

Anonymous said...

Piles and piles are retiring? C'mon guy, I'm sure some are but...

The laid off officers won't be rehired until all 8 waves take place. That's going to take some time. Way after spring. Maybe a year or more away.

Many senior cops at DVI want to goto Stockton.

I hope your right about the parole agents wanting to do county work before prisons. But doubt it.

We all know CCPOA hasn't and isn't doing shit for us.