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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Trial begins in DVI cellmate slaying

A trial began Tuesday for a state prisoner charged with slaying his cellmate at Tracy's Deuel Vocational Institution, having already killed another man at a different California prison.
Defendant John Joseph Lydon, 39, told correctional officers he murdered his cellmate John Guy Alexander because he didn't want to be housed with a child molester, according to court papers filed by Deputy District Attorney Robert Himelblau.
Lydon arrived to the institution's receiving center June 2, 2010, and he was housed with Alexander following an inmate screening.
Lydon approached a correctional officer the next evening after dinner, requesting to speak to the sergeant. When asked why, he responded:
"Well, because I just killed my cellie and I stuffed him under my bunk, and also I'm feeling suicidal."
Investigators testified Tuesday they found Alexander underneath Lydon's bed, as he had confessed, with a ligature around his neck and his head wrapped in a towel. Alexander's hands were tied behind his body.
The nurse who had screened Lydon the day before testified he didn't mention he felt suicidal or homicidal during the interview..... http://www.recordnet.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20130116/A_NEWS/301160312/-1/rss02   


Anonymous said...

CDCR promoted the Lt. that made it possible for the inmate to kill. Even after he lied on the stand and said he couldn't recall his decision to house him after the inmate told him he was a single cell inmate oops.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that he waited until after dinner to tell officers he killed his cell-mate. I wonder what was on the menu that night.

Relavent said...

The questions is, does a microscope get used in this pathetically handled display of accountability when it was in Warden Salinas hands?

The circumstances deserves an investigation it never got. As a result, an apology is owed to a retired sergeant who was made a scapegoat to ensure the higher ups went unscathe. Something foul occurred, but then again everything was foul under management at that time.

Scandulous leadership prevailed and unfortunately line staff were abused, when C/Os were held wrongly accountable! Funny how those harsh standards only applied to those who were basically, the victims of leadership that lacked boat loads of integrity!

Anonymous said...

It's not over yet, their rehashing that case up in court currently. Heads still may roll.

Anonymous said...

Yeah what ever happened to those signed documents in the placement of that inmate????

Anonymous said...

Any Inmate can state that he is on single cell status. Without documentation it doesn't exist. You all know that.

Anonymous said...

With sworn testimony by correctional officers and by the suspect that match up. Paperwork aint gonna matter much.

Anonymous said...

Ha, whatever. blame lays on the inmate, not the Lt. keep reaching friend. u sound like a psych! blame the system not the person responsible. cdcr is responsible for a lot; however, in this situation it lays purely on the murderer!!

Relavent said...

Don't recall anyone saying the inmate was not at fault, he committed and admitted to the murder. So what you talking about Willis?

B-Polished said...

A Lt. had to sign the lock-up order written by the R&R Sgt to place this guy in AdSeg... Only a Capt or above has the authority to release him.

At that time there was too much emphasis on reducing the AdSeg population.

Inmate made 'red flag' comments on his history and who he was housed with. There's more to the story before he arrived at DVI. That info also needs to be addressed.

Put the blame where it belongs. Include the hiring authority that helped in the cover up and attempted to blame the wrong staff members.
I'm Just Sayin...

Anonymous said...

FYI, i dont think you should be talking about the case and the specific details of the case, you can get sopena and then you have to go to court and tell them what you know. food for thought. Remember its a public forum and anything can be used in the court.

IiHateDirtBags said...

This reminds me of a similar situation at cim involving an officer and a punk ass lieutenant who attempted to put the blame on an officer for allowing an inmate back on a yard who weeks earlier had assaulted 2 staff members. Luckily for the officer he had signed paperwork by the punk ass lieutenant proving that he allowed the scum bag back on to the yard. The punk ass lieutenant had no choice but to retire or face termination.