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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hemet family sues over inmate’s suicide attempts

Press-EnterpriseThe parents of a Hemet man who suffered serious brain damage from a suicide attempt in custody are suing the state and county, alleging that their son did not receive adequate mental health care or psychiatric medications while incarcerated.

Christopher Dylan Godair, now 22, attempted suicide while he was being held at the Southwest Detention Center in French Valley on April 8, 2011, the suit alleges. Then, while incarcerated for robbery and false imprisonment at Centinela State Prison, Godair overdosed on illicit drugs in another suicide attempt Nov. 28, 2011, according to the court complaint. The overdose left him with permanent brain damage.

He received compassionate early release from prison in March 2012 due to his disability. Godair requires constant care from his parents, according to the family’s attorney, Russell Fuerst. He is unable to do routine tasks on his own, such as dressing and going to the bathroom, Fuerst said.

Fuerst called Godair’s situation tragic.

“He struggles with just basic daily activities,” he said. “He’s got a lot of challenges right now.”

The family claims in the lawsuit that prison officials knew or should have known that Godair had attempted suicide in the past and had been diagnosed with psychiatric disorders for which he required prescription medication. The lawsuit accuses the state and county of negligence, indifference and violating Godair’s civil rights.

Officials with the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said they do not comment on pending litigation.

According to the complaint, Godair had attempted suicide by overdosing on drugs while out of custody in October 2010. Sheriff’s deputies found him in his car in a 7-Eleven parking lot in San Jacinto. Godair was taken to a hospital for treatment and a few days later involuntarily held in a psychiatric facility for a mental evaluation. continue reading...


Anonymous said...

so we get sued because he did a botched job of saving the tax payers piles of money. CDC-r should get rid of that policy of "stopping suicides" and that money pit is fixed.

Anonymous said...

Cry me a river.

Anonymous said...

What about his hillbilly parents? They raised him to become a drug addict in which he became mentally unstable. Responsibility should rest on the people that commit their own actions. You cant blame the state or county cause this bum abuses dope and has become a whack job and wants to take a dirt nap. Give them a vacation back to Tennessee and a class on parenting.

Anonymous said...

How Pathetic.... He Should Of Took MORE Meds 2 Save Us Tax Payers A TON Of Money.... I'm Sure His Parents Wanted Nothing 2 Do w Him While He Was Locked Up..... & Now Look At Thm.... PATHETIC!!

Anonymous said...

The inmate failed in being a law abiding citizen and he's a failure in commiting suicide go figure don't feel bad what so ever! But now his parents tryin to cash in on their sons stupidity and failures in life. He had a major case of Dumbassism!!!