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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Options Worksheets mailed to impacted employees

Inside CDCRCDCR employees impacted by Wave 3 Layoffs will be receiving letters from the Office of Resource Planning (ORP) that contain Option Worksheets tailored for the individual employee. The letters were mailed Tuesday.

The options for each employee are based on the employee’s impacted classification, primary demotional pattern, and personal demotional pattern. A primary demotion is based on a classification.

For example, a Staff Services Manager III can demote to a Staff Services Manager II, which can then demote to a Staff Services Manager I. An employee’s personal demotional pattern is to classifications the employee has held on a permanent basis – excluding classifications specific to another state agency.

The employee is asked to look at the list of vacancies available, choose those that would be acceptable, and then rank them in descending order of preference, 1,2, 3, etc. The employee also has the option to resign, retire, or elect to be laid off.

After an employee has studied the Options Worksheet and ranked which, if any, options would be acceptable, the worksheet must be signed, and faxed to the fax number listed at the bottom of each page or it can be signed, scanned and e-mailed in PDF format to the e-mail address on the worksheet. The worksheet must be returned to ORP by Thursday, Feb. 28.

Answers to questions about the Options Worksheet can be found in the list of Frequently Ask Questions on the CDCR Layoff Resources webpage. The webpage also will soon contain a link to a video explaining the Options Worksheet.

Also, an employee who has any questions regarding the Options Worksheet can contact the ORP Customer Service Unit, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at (877) 297-5599, or by email at cdcrORPhelpdesk@cdcr.ca.gov.

Next week, the ORP Customer Service Unit will offer expanded hours, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Thursday, the day worksheets are due.


Anonymous said...

The laid off officers that received letters for potential rehire are to disregard those letters as ORP/WFP are drafting up a clarification letter. The original letter had all 33 prisons listed and you were to put in order where you were willing to work. Due to possible officers still being "indirectly" impacted in specific counties they had to revise the letter. As long as the parole agents that didn't get or choose anything in last option (SWB) continue to opt out we laid off officers will have more options to choose from. As long as the number of vacancies are more accurate that's all that matters. So for now we wait until they decide what to do and we should get something in early March. "D"

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing current officers received letters with every prison as well. Then they received another letter to resign/retire/or be laid off. This seems to be for picos. It is a total mess that seems to be getting more confusing by the day. "D"

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily true. Everyones out to bad mouthnthe union, but when they need them they cry. This process is being handle by more than one office. DAI / ORP / OWFP all are involved. DAI Division of Adult Institutions has been doing things without ORP or OWFP knowing. It seems DAI tells Orp what to do and ORP tells OWFP what to do. CCPOA is trying to make sure things are being done correctly in the interest of its members. Not everyone is going to like what happens, I know I don't I got laid off. But CCPOA can't make up its own rules and go over the dept. and the supreme court to do what we want. Sure it seems CCPOA is not what it once was, but they are still fighting for us as much as they can.

Anonymous said...

they never fight for us, I have never used them nor had them for reps whenever I had to go to the egg create room. They never know what to do and hinder the process. I have learned you use a union rep or lawyer, your out of a job. You buy your own lawyer and you still have a job,,,,seen it way too many times.

Anonymous said...

True, The union does nothing for you anymore. If your a good cop who walks the straight and narrow you'll never need the union. If you are a dirty cop, they use to have ur back. But they don't even have the dirty cops backs anymore.

If you have ever wondered how you'd do without a union, just look at the last 2 years of your career and you'll know.

Anonymous said...

What can they do in a situation like this? Think about it the U.S. Supreme Court doesn't give two shits about the union. CCPOA can't fight the court ordered reduction in inmates that caused this. I was laid off and I understand that.

Anonymous said...

The stupid comment makes me wonder, could that be the reason the good cops don't get properly represented by CCPOA. There are way to many of them to take care of, so our union allows management to take advantage of the majority.

Anonymous said...

I think the guys point was, the union doesn't have any ones back. And the point being made was there is no need for a union if your a good cop. Only the dirty cops ever needed reps.

No one wants the union to help dirty cops and no one wants dirty cops working with us. But I get the point he was making.

Bing said...

Why is everyone anonymous? The whole process is confusing because its never been done before. As much as i hate the union they are doing a descent job. Five years i max out. I still get the rush after 20 years.
Love your job or go home.

Anonymous said...

Hate my job..(or institution i should say)..then I go home !. Anonymous or not---- who cares!?!?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous here, who the hell cares here. I have been going to chapter meetings for the last 18 years and the same fucken 20 people show up and sit there and say not a damn thing, but bitch when they are at work. And the others bitch and do not go to the meetings. 20 months and counting!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I hate the job but love the money it pays the bills and then some. I go in everyday do my part and go home. That's all we have to do to make that money. I may not love the job but I love my Family enough to do my job.