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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Reports: Ex-SEAL/author fatally shot on gun range

APFormer Navy SEAL and "American Sniper" author Chris Kyle was fatally shot along with another man Saturday on a Texas gun range, a sheriff told local newspapers.

Erath County Sheriff Tommy Bryant said Kyle, 38, and a second man were found dead at Rough Creek Lodge's shooting range west of Glen Rose, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Stephenville Empire-Tribune. Glen Rose is about 50 miles southwest of Fort Worth.

Bryant did not immediately return phone calls to The Associated Press seeking comment late Saturday and early Sunday.

Investigators did not immediately release the name of the second victim.

Witnesses told sheriff's investigators that a gunman opened fire on the men around 3:30 p.m. Saturday, then fled in a pickup truck belonging to one of the victims, according to the Star-Telegram. The newspapers said a 25-year-old man was later taken into custody in Lancaster, southeast of Dallas, and that charges were expected.

Lancaster police did not immediately return calls for comment.

The motive for the shooting was unclear.

Kyle wrote the best-selling book, "American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History," detailing his 150-plus kills of insurgents from 1999 to 2009. continue reading...


Anonymous said...

See even a sniper can't save himself. No need for any assault rifles and massive clips. Gun freaks got issues!

Prior service said...

Anonymous, you should be ashamed of your self. A hero is killed and you want to try and push your ignorant point of view. Rest in peace chris kyle, a true american hero that will be missed by many.

Anonymous said...

He made four tours of duty. And Comes back home to be shot by a piece of crap. The first anonymous commenter is an idiot. Your comment doesn't even reflect a point of view. That would require a brain.

Rest in piece Mr. Kyle. Thank you for your service. Guns are not killers, people kill people. Guns can be used for good or evil just like knives and any other weapon/tool.

Only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

Support 2nd amendment rights!
A DVI officer~

Unknown said...

^^^amen brother

Anonymous said...

My original post is in fact the truth. Kyle was an American Hero for his duty as a Navy Seal. He was also trying to help current and former soldiers deal with their issues. He was also an arrogant prick. That thought he was larger than life. I am saddened by is death and feel for his family. I'm just keeping it real. My opinion on guns will not change. No one off duty from law enforcement or military needs more than a hand gun / shot gun/ or standard hunting rifle.

Anonymous said...

So you don't agree with the 2nd amendment. Perhaps you think freedom of speech is no good either.


Anonymous said...

@853 , i would challenge you to take a look at the documentary called "Worse than War" and determine how is it that so many men,women and children have been murdered in just the last 100 years. If your up to the challenge, notice how defenseless these people were.

Anonymous said...

So you need an assault rifle or large mag/clip to defend yourself?The 2nd amendment says nothing about that at all. I'm not trying to push anything on anyone, I save that for the right wing whack jobs. I have no problem with having a gun for protection, I just don't see everyones big issue with having to have the big assault rifle or massive mag/clip. What's your reason? Do you feel like more of a man?

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make what type of gun a person owns? Why does it matter to you? Does it scare you that a law abiding citizen owns an assault rifle? If I want to own a assault rifle with a large ammo mag that's my business alone.