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Friday, February 8, 2013

State Board Meeting update

Ccpoa San QuentinHere are a few notes from the State Board today;

-There are very strong signs we will be able to move the money from the POFF , we will have a variety of options once the decision is made, to include taking it out and suffering the penalty. There will be a meeting in July to finallly resolve this issue.

- The CHCF will activate July 22, 2013 and it is anticipated Officers will repo...rt around the first week in June. There will also be another opportunity for those to transfer, up to 150 Officers in August and September and the facility should be full by December 31 of this year.

-We filed a law suit regarding PERS deductions from OT checks, that suit is complete and it looks like Officers will get anywhere from .01 cents to $350 depending on how much OT you worked.

Have a good day and safe shift

James Gary Jr.
Chapter President


Anonymous said...

Was any news on the reemployment list discussed? Is the Stockton Facility possibly going to be available to laid off officers?

Anonymous said...

Who cares about the money !! Get those laidoff officers BACK!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Get them back, and give us the $$! Just sayin..

Relavent said...

The POFF fund one of the great give aways of the current contract. Let's not forget the annual 1 hour of vacation stolen from us at the bargaining table. What will Jimenez give away in the next contract and proclaim it's the best contract we've ever had? Wouldn't be surprised if we lose the raise promised in the current contract. The state has burnt us before on a previous contract via union leadership arrogance. The state even takes advantage of the CCPOA current weaknesses which has resulted in the pathetic representation union members have been recieving for years.

WHAT'S BEING DONE ABOUT THE LAID OFF OFFICERS WHO WWERE ILL ADVISED OF THEIR CHOICES. DVI's former employees who were laid off, were not given enough information to make a sound and informed decision. Especially since a lot of information was never given to the designated employees, due to a rogue local chapter president who represented DVI management. They were given what amounted to a bunch of gibberish and shoved out the door basically. What happened to seniority being statewide, seems laziness on the part of executives made a county wide lay off formula an easier task. California state employees that were laid off did not work for the counties and therefore senority should have been based on a statewide scale. Why would the CCPOA agree to such a method that clearly took advantage of and thoroughly screwed it's members. So many were denied what should have been their rights under senority.