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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Inmate bites off officer's finger at court

KRQEAn inmate at the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center is accused of biting off the finger of a corrections officer.

The incident happened on Wednesday in District Court while Mario Ragsdale, 50, was appearing for a probation violation hearing.

Corrections officers say they had to escort Ragsdale from the courtroom because of his unruly behavior. That's when the attack happened.

Officials with MDC say as a lieutenant was trying to restrain Ragsdale, he got a hold of the officer's finger and bit it off, leaving only a small piece of skin attached.

The officer had to deploy his stun gun to get Ragsdale to release his finger.

According to court documents Ragsdale has quite a history. He's been arrested about 30 times for everything from disorderly conduct and drinking in public to assault and battery on a peace officer. In once incident he's accused of biting a health care worker at MDC who was trying to treat him leaving a deep bite mark on his bicep.

Officials with MDC say the lieutenant has to undergo some extensive surgery to try to repair the finger but could still loose the tip of it.

As for Ragsdale, he's now been classified as a violent offender and is put in segregation. It also means he will be handcuffed and shackled every time he is moved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like he's hungry. Feed him and then throw himin the hole for a year.