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Friday, March 1, 2013

Natomas father accused of killing son with hatchet had history of violence, court documents show

News 10While neighbors and family members expressed shock when they learned police arrested Phillip Raymond Hernandez on Tuesday night for the killing of his 9-year-old son Matthew with a hatchet, a closer look at the suspect's past revealed a troubled background.

Hernandez was arrested for domestic abuse and attempted kidnapping back in 2004. That case involved the mother of his two children and his wife at the time, Jessica Hernandez.

Phillip Hernandez was granted probation and ordered to take part in both a Batterer's Treatment Program and an Alcohol and Drug Rehab Program. However, probation documents show the following year he failed the Batterer's Treatment Program due to excessive absences and admitted to probation officers that he hadn't even enrolled in an alcohol and drug program.

Then in November 2005, he was arrested again for battery of Jessica Hernandez; by then, the couple had divorced. Court documents include a statement from her in which she describes Phillip coming to her home drunk in the middle of the night and getting violent again. continue reading...


Anonymous said...

Give him the death penalty so he can sit in San Quentin with Scott Peterson, Richard Ramirez, Richard Alan Davis and wait to die of natural causes or until this state wakes the fu%k up and starts gassing this psychopaths.

Anonymous said...

What's the matter with the judges in California? I knew they were twisted when Arnie brought the supreme court off to favor his illegal furlough stance against state employees. But this grave misjudgement of awarding children to a known pyscho, resulting in the death of a child outrageous!