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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sex offender reveals why child molesters cut their GPS bracelets

KCRA 3In an exclusive interview with KCRA 3, a convicted sex offender revealed child molesters have no fear of going back to prison after cutting their GPS tracking devices.

"Yeah, it's 30 days in a county jail. It's a slap on the wrist to them," said Will, who was convicted of child molestation.

Will is employed in Yolo County, and asked KCRA 3 not to reveal his full name, for fear of losing his job.

Will has been wearing a GPS tracking device on his ankle ever since he was released from prison in October 2011.

He served eight years behind bars after being convicted on drug and sex-offender charges.

"Do I consider myself a child molester anymore? Absolutely not," Will told KCRA 3.

Will said he is clean and sober now, after years of drug and alcohol abuse.

The low point came in 1995, when he molested a 5-year-old. continue reading...

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