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Sunday, March 31, 2013

States Sunshine Proposal to CCPOA

Click here to view doc.


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess it is time for the real screwing of us "guards" to begin,,,
Mikey and his biker buddies still in power means we are going to loose even more. Bet post bid goes this time,,,,

Anonymous said...

F that we can fight for what we feel is fair and necessary.

Anonymous said...

for one we need to get off the 7k, and go with 40hr week!!!!

Anonymous said...

The union should have attorneys negotiate our contract instead of knuckledraggers...

Anonymous said...

How about we get the laid off officers back to work. CCPOA threw everyone under the bus.Not one time have they helped. There are plenty of Trucks who should have been fired in place of layoffs. The Trucks that work all the overtime and complain about it. They don't even work on thier second 8 because they are so tired. What a waste of money! They also love to use FMLA ecery holiday and are always out injured. The common "I hurt my back lifting two trays at chow. They also seem to skip out during a code, plus they can't even run.

Anonymous said...

Now that i think about it. When a code one alarm went off.,help was needed it appeared certain responders were always using the restroom at the time of incident.If you cant handle the job description get out......im just saying