The Califorian — The day after a federal receiver ordered two state prisons to exclude inmates especially vulnerable to valley fever, experts hailed the directive as a step toward addressing an alarming public health problem.
Meanwhile, the state grappled with how to digest the directive.
"We still need to evaluate the receiver's authority to make decisions about where people are held," said Jeffrey Callison, spokesman for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
"Obviously the receiver has full authority from the court over the provision of health care, and CDCR has provision over custody issues -- in other words, where people are held. This obviously is an issue that might be in between that needs to be resolved."
In his directive, medical receiver J. Clark Kelso ordered that inmates who are at high risk of contracting valley fever and more likely to die from the disease should be expelled from Pleasant Valley State Prison near Coalinga and Avenal State Prison in Kings County. The goal of the policy is to reduce the risks of the disease to a "reasonable level," according to an email detailing the new policy.
The order includes African Americans, Filipinos, inmates older than 55 and inmates with HIV or suppressed immune systems. It applies to about 40 percent of approximately 8,200 inmates at the two prisons, according to Joyce Hayhoe, director of legislation and communications for the receiver's office. continue reading...
The kiss ass brigade still have not figured it out, problems have causes and effects. Being proactive can put the leadership ahead of most issues if they are not content burying their heads in the clueless A$$eS of mediorce bosses.
Really once again the department has to be made to perform a task behind medical issues. What's wrong with that picture? Considering CDCR medical is under the direction of a Federal Medical Recievership? Let's take a wild guess, this sudden emergency didn't all of a sudden spring up out of nowhere. Yeah the claws are sunk in deep, bull crap isn't going to get the Feds out of CDCR's hide no time soon. However, Professional Correctional leadership training is a must that is the first step towards a department truly capable of handling all phases of its business. The hodge podge system in place today has failed along with the assorted versions prior to the current flop!
How about the officers that have came down with valley fever and had to use up a lot of their own time because it wasn't a workmans comp issue. But hey let's protect the scumbags that society deems a threat while our officers get left behind. Open your eyes. CA does more for inmates than the regular law abiding citizen
I'm wondering, if an officer comes down with TB or Mersa as a direct result of working at an outside hospital w/contagious inmate, how would this not be considered a WC issue? If this scenario is in fact a WC issue how would Valley Fever not be a WC issue?
What these idiots fail to report is that any inmate that comes down with Valley Fever (VF) is immediately transferred to another institution that is not affected by VF. DVI receives an average of 5 inmates per week requiring treatment for VF. That's just DVI. Other 'Reception' institutions are also receiving their share of suffering inmates from VF .
Sorry Kelso, the issue was being addressed BEFORE the story broke. It is not CDCr's fault of an outbreak this year, but the concerns are being addressed as they arise. If it wasn't there would have already been several deaths due to VF.
In my opinion, this is a non-story and (more important) an excuse for the receiver to stay in power when he's not needed.
BTW, from my understanding, officers that contract SEVERE VF is covered by workmans comp due to the uncontrollable nature of VF. By Dr's orders, Officers cannot work until treatment is complete. After antibiotic treatments employees 'should' be immune for life.
I'm Just Sayin...
check the site below for more info on VF:
There are many people who are not needed in how a prison runs. Kelso, judges, and anyone other than the state.
There was never a problem with prison healthcare, it's better than yours or mine. These criminals come in off the streets tore up and on the brink of death health-wise due to use/abuse of drugs/narcotics etc...
So just because they get caught and incarcerated then die because of their own abuse to their own body, don't blame it on prison healthcare.
If the retarded liberals had any sense they'd know all this. But warped is the liberal mind.
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