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Monday, June 17, 2013

Is a Rise in Crime in the State Linked to AB 109?

Fox 35A new set of FBI numbers show crime in California is on the rise, as crime across the rest of the nation seems to be going down. Now, one California group is blaming that on Governor Jerry Brown's prison realignment plan, AB 109.

The realignment plan took effect in 2011 as a solution to state prison over crowding. Since then it has been a heated debate statewide, affecting jails on the Central Coast.

In 2012 the west coast saw a 3% increase in violent crime, a 4% increase in robberies, and 5% increase in property crime. These numbers beat any other region in the country. That's all according to the preliminary crime statistics released by the FBI.

The California Criminal Justice Legal Foundation said AB 109 is to blame. The group has been fighting realignment since it went into effect 18 months ago and collecting crime data in the state since.

The Monterey County District Attorney's office has been doing the same in the county. Assistant to the D.A. Terry Spitz said their data is looking at two things.

"What are the local agencies telling us about the crime rates and what are we seeing with the subsequent history of people who went to county jail under AB 109? What's happening when they get out?" said Spitz

So far they have a little over a year's worth of data, Spitz said that is not enough. He said though its too early to make any type of link to realignment, there are some trends. continue reading...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not enough data please, it certainly doesn't help that the timing of AB-109 is running in tandem with a very bad economic time made worse by California's politics. As a result the data available is skewed by the high rate of unemployment coupled with the homeless rate as well. Those two factors have become a convenient disguise for AB-109 and it's impact on the increase of California's rising crime rate.

You see the thought is the California public are gullible enough to believe, inmates are walking out of prison and jails 100% employed and housed for the duration of the time they are not being held for their crimes. The authors and supporters of AB-109 prefer you to be distracted by the numbers being fudged instead of the cold hard truths. Some victims live painfully with their tragic experience at the hands of some early released inmates, while others are no longer among us as a result of the rush to suddenly appease a federal mandate with the crap that is AB-109.