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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Read why the state overturned California prison guard firings

SacbeeOur report in today's Bee provides a glimpse into the case of five correctional officers who, according to the State Personnel Board, were unjustly fired last year for allegedly abusing an inmate in 2011.

The story builds on a heavily-redacted 33-page proposed decision by Teri Block, one of the board's administrative law judges. Block includes a detailed narrative of events based on investigations and testimony and then dissects lapses in the investigation.

We've embedded Block's October decision below followed by board's final decision from January. Corrections officials asked for reconsideration, which the board rejected. continue reading...


Unknown said...

I hope those oia scum bag clowns are fired so they can suffer and feel the pain they caused those Officer's and Sgt.

Unknown said...

I hope those oia scum bag clowns are fired so they can suffer and feel the pain they caused those Officer's and Sgt.

Unknown said...

the sworn staff should also go after the woman who believed they used excessive force financially.

Anonymous said...

In more cases than not officers use on the appropriate level of force on inmates. Other staff that do not wear a badge need to keep their mouths shut on business they know nothing about.

OIA are all garbage, the department needs to get rid of all OIA.