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Saturday, July 13, 2013

California Blames Hunger Strikes on Gangs, Vows Crackdown

ABC NewsOn Thursday the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation announced prisoners participating in the hunger strike will face consequences, including being punished with the very thing they’re protesting: solitary confinement.

CDCR called the prisoners' action a “mass hunger strike disturbance” that is being “organized by prison gangs.”

Close to 30,000 prisoners across 24 California prisons began a hunger strike on Monday to call attention to a number of conditions they say are inhumane. The prisoners are demanding changes to policies that allow prisons to hold inmates in solitary confinement for an indefinite period of time.

As of Thursday afternoon, 12,421 inmates in 24 state prisons and four out-of-state contract facilities have missed nine consecutive meals since July 8th, according to a statement released by the department.

Those participating in the hunger strike may be subject to solitary confinement, according to the statement:

"Inmates identified as leading and perpetuating the disturbance will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 15 Section 3315(a)(2)(L) and may be removed from the general population and be placed in an Administrative Segregation Unit pursuant to CDCR’s hunger strike policy." continue reading...


Anonymous said...

The orders for the hunger strike came of prison gang leaders. California needs to stand firm and stand up against gangs.

Anonymous said...

This only proves how much power gang leaders have. Imagine what they could organize in general population??

Unknown said...

This is NOT about gangs nor is it ran by gangs. The CDCR puts it out in their press release as a way to persuade the public. They want us to think it's about gangs. They want us to think the inmates in the SHU are ALL the worst of the worst. They want us to believe everything that they say is truth. Well it is not! About 50% of these inmates were sentences to indefinite solitary confinement after being validated as a gang member. Which consists of an inmate having literature, art work, quotes, speaking to a known gang affiliate or being snitched on by another inmate in what te CDCR calls "debriefing". This is the only way out of the SHU other than death.

Anonymous said...

Carrie, just keep believing what your boyfriend or husband tells you. He also needs money sent to him because the state does not feed him. The money is not for drugs or debt.

Anonymous said...

Who is the victim here? Is it the inmate that can not program in a general population, ad-seg setting, and end up in the shu, or is the victim the families of the people that have been murdered, beaten, robbed by these guys? Also, the inmates debriefing have made a decision that their family is more important than the gang, and when multiple inmates are giving up the same information to gang intelligence about who the "shot callers" are, I will continue to push for the department to keep them In lockup. So people like Carrie need to wake up and see the big picture.

Anonymous said...

Carrie, did you fail to mention you just paroled from ccwf. Why did you use your 200$ gate money to go to the George Zimmerman verdict announcement and flap your jaws with the NAACP? People like you are what brings this country down. You need to open your eyes are see these guys for what they are, trash! To tell you the truth I don't even care what you dirt bag lovers have to say about the inmates you love, because thanks to your lover I have a job that allowed me to buy 2 new iPads and new Silverado this month, keep the hunger strike going its doing wonders for our overtime out here. PS, nice pic with your tats showing I didn't know ccwf allowed inmates to take pictures in civilian clothes. Listen to the guy above me's comment he knows his stuff......

Anonymous said...

That's why the state thinks we make to much because of comments like that! Yeah sure we make good money, I can get by with out doing OT but others can't do it unless they bust their asses off to pay for those materialistic toys. I never hear I'm taking care of my family and they enjoy the extras I provide! I just hear I got this and I got that wow that's great you should be proud of yourself. Some spend more time at a prison than spending it with the family that's why we have the highest divorce rate but hey I'd rather lose my family so I can get my toys. Just cause we have a badge don't mean shit we all out to make money. Don't make us no different than any one else!

Anonymous said...

That sure is a bozo comment. It does not matter if I drive a brand new silverado or a broke down corolla, the STATE is not going to think I make to much money, it's the people that pay taxs in this state that think we make to much. So stop your crying.... Your mis-informed anyways. If the STATE thinks I make to much money then tell the STATE to hire more C/O's it's there fault not mine.....and for your dumb family remark, the iPads are for my kids and the silverado is for my son, so now what do you have to say about not worrying about ones family..... Your just mad cause you don't work OT. Your scared to work 1/w because as soon as you leave her boyfriend comes over and drinks your monsters......all that's on these blogs is crying how we want more $$$, and we don't get this but the CHP gets that....maybe the girls in personnel want c/o pay, hey after all they work for cdcr why not?? We all do different jobs, deal with it. CHP can write reports, we can't!!! HELLO!!! Have you talked with some of your partners, not the smartest people in the world....be quite and just make this job work for YOU! This is the easiest job you'll ever have.....and last but not least don't worry about me or my OT or my family, worry about yourself