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Friday, July 5, 2013

California Highway Patrol to receive immediate 5.9 percent raise

SacbeeCalifornia Highway Patrol officers and cadets are receiving a nearly 6 percent raise this
week, a reflection of average pay increases that have gone to five other law enforcement agencies in the state.

The change, posted on the website of the California Department of Human Resources late Friday, is based on a law that requires the state to survey compensation packages provided to other law enforcement officers each fiscal year and adjust CHP wages accordingly.

The 5.9 percent raise for rank-and-file CHP officers was calculated using the average total compensation of five law enforcement agencies: the San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Oakland police departments, as well as the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office.

The first 4 percent will be a direct salary increase, and the rest will be allocated to pre-fund the union's health care benefits.


Anonymous said...

While the other state law enforcement agency (CDCR) is basically screwed over, by the well meaning people who champion the inequality that has prevailed far to long!

Anonymous said...

CDCR is not a Law enforcment agency. How can CDCR compare with CHP, LASO, LAPD. What penal codes does CDCR enforce? CDCR is not law enforcement I don't know why you guys call yourselves cops. lol

Anonymous said...

Wow. You're a retard for thinking that. When was the last time you spent 16 hours with a murder. Let guess mmmmm never. PC 832 makes COs peace officers....live with it

Anonymous said...

It's a prison what do you expect. I'm not saying you're not peace officers you're not a Law Enforcement agency. How could you be on the same level as the CHP. Your agency is going down the tubes. You know it. Privatization is right around the corner for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious?? We dont prosecute inmates who commit felonies?? We dont arrest civilians who commit felonies on prison grounds and book them into county jail?? Our Investigative Staff (ISU) can and have served Search Warrants all over the state of California multiple times. Yes , we do everything street cops do except write little ol ladies speeding tickets. Get your facts straight before you come here and post your garbage.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? Ok so an inmate commits a felony? He doesn't get prosecuted because he is doing a life term. What civilian has been arrested on prison grounds? oh ya your own staff and some co's. ISU serving search warrant? For what extra lunches? Oh a book on suduko?

Anonymous said...

All cops hide behind the gun. Point a gun at a bad guy and he gets down. Come into the Pen and get hands on, up close and personal with lifers who have nothing to lose. Come get shit and piss thrown in your face. Chp go change a fucken tire for some old lady, pull your gun out maybe once in your career. Our gun is our own two fists and we pull them out on a daily basis. The chp is the Air Force. We are the grunts.

Anonymous said...

Now wait a minute there. Don't you guys have oc and a baton? Not to mention a guy watching over you with an array of weapons? So how can you use your two fists? Interesting? I watch lockup I know what happens in there.

Anonymous said...

Yeah just keep watching tv, Air Force!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't consider myself a cop! I'm a prison guard! Fuck it! If you want to play cops and robbers go hit the streets and have a blast. For me I do my 8 hit the gate! Bunch of weenies work for this dept!

Anonymous said...

How can you say that you work a tougher beat than me? I know co's they tell me all they do is play suduko and cards and count people. How hard is that? It's probably tough to stay awake.

Anonymous said...

All u do is eat donuts and give people tickets for tinting their windows, lol..

Anonymous said...

You got that right....Having tinted windows is against the law. If don't like the law then change it.

Anonymous said...

My neighbor is a guard, he says he gets better sleep at work then he does at home! He says most the people he works with are no better then the Inmates. That came from one of your own, not my mouth! We're hiring get in line!

Anonymous said...

I am a state prison guard and consider myself a good seasoned law enforcement officer that upholds all state and federal laws, and am proud to wear the CDCR badge!

Unknown said...

Every Dept. has dirt bags. A few months ago a AAA patrolman gave me a ticket for allege cellphone use. I submitted a trial by written declaration and argued that the state could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I in fact had used my cell. A few weeks later, the court found me NOT GUILTY and reimbursed my $162. During this time I witnessed an unmarked patrol car with "Exempt" plates at my local park. I waited around since I was suspicious of it use. After several minutes, a family of 3 approached the vehicle with baseball equipment in hand. The adult male placed the equipment in the trunk and directed the kids to enter the vehicle. I wrote down the plate number and made contact with DMV in Sac. I informed them of observation and they notified me that the vehicle was assigned to CHP. I contacted CHP headquarters and filed a complaint. A few days later, a Lt. contacted me and kept me informed of the investigation. He informed me that vehicle was only assigned for state business not personal use. He informed me that the person assigned to the vehicle was interviewed and confessed. He stated that he would face disciplinary action and his car privilege invoked.

Unknown said...


KNOW IT ALL said...

Just remember, we are all professionals. This goes for both sides........so act like it

Anonymous said...

I'm not a CDC officer but I am an officer with a different agency. But I can tell you that CDCR peace officers are law enforcement officers.

It's in their sworn oath, and they are P>C 8.32 qualified which makes them legal peace officers.

I'm assuming the negative comments on here saying they are not L.E. officers are either inmates/parolees or families of such.

Anonymous said...

wow, and inmate with an internet ready cell phone, comes on here and posts some stuff, and some get bent out of shape. Brush off your shoulders and live in the fact that we house the ones that the street give to us. I have never met a street cop that told me they would ever work our job. Most of them have even told me "fuck that" ha ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

Didn't mean to raise such a ruckus KNOW IT ALL, but now I know why the politicians have such a problem identifying correctional officers, guards, or however you choose to call those in the profession as law enforcement. We are not afraid to walk into a prison and do the job without a gun.

By the way DVI only has gun coverage outside on the yards. Two cops are responsible for over 200 inmates in the housing units and not a one of them have a S on their chest. So no they don't hide behind a badge and a gun while cruising the streets! So yes they deserve to be considered for the parity any other state law enforcement agency is considered for! Where you at CCPOA its time to get on that page when negotiating your membership wages!

Anonymous said...

Question who guards people who are taken into custody by cops? Whether it be CHP, sheriffs, and local police department officers the task of guarding prisoners/inmates remain a law enforcement activity. Otherwise those who perform the task of maintaining custody of prisoners/inmates in local, county, jails are to be considered anything but law enforcement. Do they not wear a badge. Were they not sworn under oath. What are their jobs classified as being?

So why then are hairs being split to unfairly cull California's corrections officers from the law enforcement classification? The ploy primarily serves only one purpose, and that is to deny the custody staff of CDCR the benefits and prestige they deserve as law enforcement personnel.

Anonymous said...
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B. Olivas said...

Grow up and start acting like some professionals. This bickering with a keyboard and posting under anonymous is bullshit.

Melanie said...

Anonymous be a man or women and come out from behind the key board. If you don't tave the balls to show your name then you confirm your a big coward or probably criminal.

As for the comments above we are all on the same team and I personally know I'm def a cop and work the streets day in and day out to protect your dumb ass. I'm proud to be a Parole Agent.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

If your protecting "us" then why is crime going up?? Exactly then zip it lock it put it in your pocket! You can't save the world superwoman! All y'all getting your panties in a bunch cause the Chippies make more, I gives a fuck. Y'all just be happy we all have a job and take home a nice check! And by the way I protect myself and my family on the streets!

Anonymous said...

Melanie as a matter of fact no one is on the same team that's the harsh reality about California departments and you know this woMAN! Everyone is in this for themselves the brown nosers, ass kissers, the clicks and the ones who are just in it for the money! The only time and I mean only time we work as a team is when another officer is in need and in situations that we all need to depend on one another that's the only time. Other than that it's what can I do to get where I want to go in this department.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the Three Piece Jumpsuits are approved yet??

IiHateDirtBags said...
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Anonymous said...

You want parity with CHP? Fine. For the same pay and benefits I want the same employee disciplinary system and standards. Same uniform and grooming standards. Same sick leave usage standards. Same physical fitness standards. One of the many differences being overlooked is the CHP generates and income for the state. I’m a guard, a term I actually hold with high regard. I have family that are CHP and other law agencies. I pray for them as I do for us. I have no issues with them receiving higher pay. You buys your ticket and you takes your ride. Suck it up or get out.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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IiHateDirtBags said...
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IiHateDirtBags said...
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Anonymous said...

Looks like Ponch and Jon have Iihatedirtbags panties in a bunch. Hey guy are you stereo typing, you have a lil temper. You are taking this whole thing a lil to serious. LMAO calm down buddy I still have enough money on my EBT card. And a lil left over to get my hair did. Enjoy life don't take the politics so seriously in the department you won't beable to enjoy your retirement. Do some Yoga, Pilates, pole dancing aerobics or some jazzerciseing classes. Release your frustrations and stress sounds like you need that! Y'all take care!

IiHateDirtBags said...
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Anonymous said...
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IiHateDirtBags said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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IiHateDirtBags said...
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Anonymous said...
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KNOW IT ALL said...

Enough is enough, comments for this post have been closed. Thanks to the few that want to start shit.......