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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

CIM Officer Assaulted in the TTA

CimRidersTonight just before shift change (3/W) a inmate was brought into the D Facility Treatment and Triage area for treatment. The inmate was brought in in full restraints (Chains and leg irons) Unsure if the inmate was brought in on a transport, or just a treatment and return.

The TTA Officer was bringing the inmate in and with out reason the inmate Assaulted the Officer, the Officer was head butted. The Officer went down immediately causing a laceration to the Officers head area. Staff quickly subdued the attacker and gained compliance.

The Officer was taken out to an outside hospital for treatment of his injuries. It is being reported that he is still in the hospital as of this writing.

Sending Prayers your way Officer "S".......

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