Welcome to my unofficial site for DVI. This site is dedicated to keeping us up to date on all the current CDCR, Law Enforcement, State Worker and CCPOA news. Hope you enjoy Gladiator School and remember this site is for informational purposes only. Terms of use

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Convention Update #1

The following updates from the convention are via CCPOA San Quentin and TheRevolution IsHere :

--Wave 4 of layoffs has been postponed due to staff shortages... They (CDCR) are hiring Parole Agents back because they didn't GUESS the number of inmates and parolees correctly.
More to follow ... No news on POFF YET

--Lateral transfers on hold as of now. The transfers have to do with the amount of vacancies in the institution
There's over 1,000 vacancies throughout the state. They are looking to hire about 2,720 c/os, so maybe when that happens they will open up transfers.

--Donning and Doffing update: August 13, 2013, will start the 1st phase of trial.

--CDCR is looking to transfer another 150 Officers to the CHFC in August. We are not sure if the old transfer packet will be used.
It's our position new packets be submitted!


Anonymous said...

Yup...after a few jack n cokes nobody gives a shit anyways...only thing on they're minds after that is, "Miss, ill take another jack n coke".

Anonymous said...

I bet nobody thought to inquire about the contract that's due...

If they had anything to report that we even remotely wanted to hear it would be out by now.

Their silence is our screw job waiting to be unveiled.

Anonymous said...

The people that want to transfer but cant because their prison has over 6% vacancies is complete crap! Get new cadets in to the prisons that people are not willing to transfer to so we can get back to our lives and families! Nobody wants to do a One for One at a prison that is not desirable. Hopefully CDCR only lets new cadets go to the places we had to sacrifice going to, and lets us transfer. No one new should be able to go anywhere in the valley. LET US TRANSFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What is crap is you crying. You could have chosen to be laid off. Be glad you have a job and do your time like everybody else that end up in hdsp,pbsp or dessert institutions.

Unknown said...

1:31pm ^^ Who the hell are you to tell someone to suck it and do their time? You don't even have the audacity to put your name on your post. You're probably one of those guys who's worked at a local prison your entire career and think he has something coming.

Anonymous said...

People don't like to be told the truth. so sad.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know if there's gonna be a large academy then those that have only 100 cadets at a time i ask because i have a few years in the process and have not heard nothing.
The note states they need to hire 2000 plus C/O's I know there are C/O's with info in this blog that they could share thank you

KNOW IT ALL said...

CCPOA was told that the state would have 200 man academies and stagger them. CCPOA has no idea how the state will keep up with the 160 we loose per month.

Anonymous said...

KNOW IT ALL 160 c/o you guys loose per month so is this a good chance there be bigger academies than 200 at a time? thank you

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me! All this lack of information sure makes me confident about our state level union leadership. Yeah they really got our backs don't they, exposed for California officials to have their way with CCPOA members!

Anonymous said...

What did California guess correctly if anything? The first three waves should have been given more serious consideration as well as AB-109. What a horrible time to have our union in the weakened state CCPOA has been in. The state is walking all over the union leadership that can't do nothing but take it laying down!

Say its not so, day 2 just as uneventful as day 1, and we are where we were before the convention started still in the dark.

Anonymous said...

Aligning with the possible next governor of California that is the highlight of the CCPOA Convention! REALLY, and that does what for us should that person lose the election. Dire straits folks, desperate measures are all that is left in the trick bag of CCPOA leadership. However, you got to get it to them they are real good at keeping themselves in power.

Unknown said...

This reno crap convention is nothing more but a waste of members money, the same dirt bags vote each other in. We need to change the rules and take the voting right from chapter president and vote per member. The chapter presidents are nothing more put mj puppets who vote against out benefit.