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Monday, July 8, 2013

Prison protests begin with list of demands

LA TimesInmate leaders at California's supermax prison near Oregon on Monday launched what they said is a statewide protest of policies that hold prisoners in isolation indefinitely, a continuance of the same grievances behind statewide hunger strikes two years ago.

"California officials have refused to meaningfully negotiate with us over our reasonable demands," the four inmates said in a statement provided to The Times on Monday by their lawyers. The document includes a list of eight "demands," starting with a five-year limit on the time prisoners can be held in isolation in Segregated Housing Units, and a 90-day limit on the time inmates can be kept in the more temporary Administrative Segregation cells.

There are 4,527 inmates being held in "segregation" cells at four state prisons, including 1,180 at Pelican Bay State Prison, where the protest leaders are based. Inmates can be held indefinitely in the isolation units and are required to spend almost all of their time within the Spartan cells, with reduced privileges, access to outside food, visits or rehabilitation programs.

For months, the Pelican Bay inmate leaders have called for a hunger strike and work stoppage to begin Monday. Corrections officials by midday released no information on the number of inmates refusing meals or refusing to report to their work assignments within the state prison system. The state, by policy, won't recognize a mass protest until participants have missed at least nine consecutive meals.

A week ahead of the planned statewide protest, 13 inmates on Monday began their eighth day without meals at the High Desert State Prison. They are protesting conditions in their own administrative segregation unit. According to their own list of demands, obtained by The Times, they seek more and better food, cleaner clothing and bedding, hats and gloves in the winter, law library materials and weekly rounds by prison officials to address inmate complaints. continue reading...


Anonymous said...

My demands for prisoners: Don't murder, rape, and molest our children. But if you do and you happen to land in prison; please refrain from gang politics and, or bad behaviors and then just maybe I can promise no solitary confiment. Other than that you get what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

What they get is way more than enough they should be getting. Did they for get that they are in prison (CDCR) not California Department of Corrections Resorts! But that's the way it's looking because that last "hunger strike" the state meet some of there demands so now the inmates feel if they do crap like a hunger strike and get something for it then lets try again and this time have 40 plus demands and see what they can get away with. It's not inhumane treatment if they are the ones doing it to themselves!

Anonymous said...

Lets send those knuckle heads inmates to mexico and realized how good they have it in Cali,hunger strike is a joke.