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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

State parole agent to get new jury trial on reverse-discrimination claim

Dana Simas, spokeswoman for the CDCR, said the department received word of the decision and is preparing for a retrial.

Read more here: http://www.modbee.com/2013/07/22/2820309/state-parole-agent-to-get-new.html#storylink=cpy


Anonymous said...

we all now this happens. the department still has expectations to fill positions by race and sex. it says so in some of the various jobs being posted for hire (mostly supervisor positions)

thats how we end up with way under qualified people getting promoted. just take the former lieutenant that promoted to DVI and was rejected on probation a few months later..... im just saying

Anonymous said...

Reverse, given that discrimination is looked at to typically go one way.

But your right, discrimination is discrimination.