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Sunday, August 11, 2013

State corrections chief likes county's AB 109-related effort

Merced Sun-StarGov. Jerry Brown's secretary of corrections, Jeffrey Beard, toured the Trident Center in Merced on Wednesday, a one-stop shop providing services to county jail inmates released under the state's prison realignment law.

Beard commended the center for providing "wrap-around" services under one roof to individuals released under Assembly Bill 109, which aims to reduce prison overpopulation by allowing nonserious, nonviolent and nonsexual offenders to serve their time with the counties instead of state prison.

"This is a great example which I hope others in the state emulate," Beard said of the Trident Center. "What they're doing here under Sheriff Pazin's leadership is what the governor hoped would happen under realignment, and that is that we have programs in place that will help reduce the recidivism."

The Trident Center opened in February and houses personnel from multiple agencies: sheriff's deputies and correctional officers, probation officers, and Human Services and Mental Health officials.

Pazin called the center a "vibrant, robust, state-of-the-art plan" to help individuals transition back into society.

After being released under AB 109, the inmates often had to travel to the various agencies that monitor and serve them, Pazin said. continue reading...

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