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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

2013-2015 MOU (Proposed) [from SQ BLOG]

By now, you should have received a ballot to vote on the proposed MOU. If you don't receive one by the end of the week...contact CCPOA HQ as soon as possible. Ballots must be physically received by Sept 27. Ballots are counted by an outside accounting firm, and any member who so desires may observe the process.

If you would like to see the actual TAs with strikeout/underline language, they are available at: 


I was part of the team that negotiated this contract. I agree that it is not perfect, but it is a HUGE step forward for Unit 6. The positives are enclosed with your ballots.

I would like to address some of the negatives:

1.) Redirects. As part of the deal, we allowed the State to implement upon "Total TA" and run through June 30, 2014. We had the option of waiting until after ratification...but then the State wanted a full 12 months. This way, we only have to live with redirections for about 10 months. They are then prohibited for the remainder of the MOU. For SQ, redirections are 5 positions per day. 

2.) Retirement. PEPRA (Public Employees Pension Reform Act) is the LAW. This is what caused the additional employee contributions to our retirement. (1% July 2013, and 1% July 2014). This was happening whether we put in into our MOU or not. 

For those considering voting against this contract, please remember a couple of things:

1.) The 1% retirement increase is happening with or without a contract.

2.) Redirections are happening with or without a contract. They will continue without an end date until we reach a new MOU.

3.) Kaiser/Blue Shield Medical rates will rise in January, with our without a contract. The question is who pays the increase...without a new MOU, we pay 100% of the increase. With a new MOU, we split the cost (~80/20) with the state.

4.) Without a new MOU, we will continue on the current 28 day pay period with overtime flattened out when you use leave credits. I would love to see the 41 hour workweek start immediately, but that is a logistical impossibility...we can either take it in February (which is much sooner than the State wanted to start) or we can not have it at all.

5.) If the membership rejects the MOU, we will not likely return to bargaining until at least January 2014, when the legislature is back in session. Which means all of the above will happen in the meantime.

In response to James' posting regarding the MOU passing: He is drawing a conclusion based upon our history. Historically, less than 1/2 the membership even votes. An those that do, overwhelmingly vote Yes. The 2011-2013 was rough (we were climbing out of the LBF hole we were thrown into by Schwarzenegger), and it passed with over 80% voting yes. The sad part was that only about 13,000 people (of the 28,000 members) bothered to vote.

Every member gets one vote, and I encourage EVERYONE to exercise that right, but I also encourage you to do so responsibly.

This was a long posting, and I appreciate your reading. I welcome your questions and/or fact-based critique.

Neil Pollard
CCPOA-SQ Vice President

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