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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

SROA letters mailed in Wave 4 Layoffs

Inside CDCRState Restriction of Appointment (SROA) letters are being mailed this week to CDCR employees who could be impacted by the Wave 4 Layoffs.

The Office of Workforce Planning (OWP) emphasized that the letters are not “layoff letters,” but notices to employees of the possibility that they could be affected by the layoffs.

Employees facing layoff have options – voluntary demotion, the Statewide Bid opportunity, Voluntary Transfer Process – which, in turn, could affect other employees, necessitating the larger number of letters being sent.

The final number of layoffs will be affected by numerous factors – employees retiring, transferring to other agencies or leaving State service for any reason.

The Layoff Resources website provides an explanation of the layoff process and information that is useful in choosing what course to take to deal with the possibility of being laid off. The website includes a number of postings:

An Over/Under report – reductions and vacancies – by location.

A step-by-step description of the layoff process.

Frequently asked questions. continue reading...


Anonymous said...

What the hell is going on!!!!! The state just started a academy last week and 7 more schedule. I thought wave 4 was canceled

Unknown said...

They did not cancel it they postponed it. But the department doesn't even know which end to feed themselves mouth end or the rear end! What difference does it make any ways right? The department is messed up! Their messing with people's life's!!!!