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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hundreds compete in Galt to be corrections officer

KCRA 3On Saturday, hundreds of recruits took part in the physical agility testing for the State
Corrections Department.

Corrections is looking to hire 7,000 people in the next couple of years.

More than 500 men and women came out to see if they have what it takes to be a corrections officer.

Lt. Chad Hester said with overcrowding and the fact that 1,800 correction officers are retiring a year at more than 32 prisons, they need to find qualified applicants to fill the void.

The challenge is only 2 to 5 percent of applicants actually become officers.

Recruits have to run about a half a mile while carrying 45-pound weights in both hands in less than 5:05.

Hester said the physical agility test disqualifies candidates, as do the written test and background check.

Corrections asks that candidates be honest in when filling out their applications -- lying is a sure way to get disqualified. continue reading...

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