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Sunday, November 10, 2013

CDCR agent recovering after being wounded in gun battle

Inside CDCROn Nov. 5, nine members of a task force made up of agents and officers from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) and the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office responded to a residence in Fresno after receiving a tip that a man wanted for several felonies, including false imprisonment, kidnapping, sexual assault and torture, was there.

Four of the task force members are agents with CDCR’s Fugitive Apprehension Team.

The task force team began surveillance of the residence and located the man, later identified as Larry Vue.

As some task force members established a perimeter, others started searching the residence. Vue, who was hiding under a pile of clothing in the garage, suddenly opened fire. The first round hit and wounded a CDCR agent in his chest. By all accounts, the bulletproof vest he was wearing saved his life.

Vue ran outside and continued to shoot at the task force officers until he was shot and killed. In addition to the wounded CDCR agent, a marshal was injured by gunfire and a sheriff was wounded from shrapnel.

“I had an opportunity to speak with our agent and to let him know that the entire CDCR family is relieved that he is recovering and that his bulletproof vest saved his life,” said CDCR Secretary Jeff Beard. “He is another great example of the brave and dedicated CDCR employees who are committed to keeping our prisons and communities safe.” continue reading...

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