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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Operation Boo leads to 13 arrests in Sacramento

News 10The 20th anniversary of Operation Boo netted 13 parolee arrests on a variety of charges.

Agents from six agencies teamed up with parole agents from the California Department of Corrections to check on more than three dozen men on parole for sex crimes involving children.

At the first stop of one team, a parolee's girlfriend yelled at agents, who worked to calm her down as they searched the home for contraband offenders are not allowed to have.

"Trying to get her to calm down and while I was trying to talk to her to keep her calm, the other agents were making sure the residence was clear," veteran parole officer Eddie Johnson said.

At the second stop for Johnson's team, a sign on the door read, "Sorry, no candy. Please do not knock. Thank you."

"The house was clear, the house was very clean. Again they were very cooperative. There was no contraband found," said Johnson, clearly appreciating that someone had not only followed the rules, but gone beyond.

Offenders are not allowed to have their porch lights on, offer kids candy or even go out on Halloween evening.

Most comply. But not all.

Things seemed to go smoothly at first, until the the team's 3rd stop. Then one team member found a multi-tool with a four-inch blade in the bathroom. The rules do not allow parolees to have knives with blades longer than two inches. Moments later, agents found a glass pipe used to smoke methamphetamine and cocaine in a dresser drawer. continue reading...

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