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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Gun found on shooting suspect fatally wounded after standoff

THE BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIANPolice provided new details Friday regarding the fatal shooting of a former California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation employee who shot a man and then holed up at a hotel near Interstate 5 and Stockdale Highway.

Police said two SWAT officers shot at suspect Rober Burdge and a gun was found in Burdge's possession after the standoff ended at 8:32 a.m. Thursday at the Vagabond Inn. Burdge was pronounced dead at Kern Medical Center about 2 1/2 hours later.

The officers who fired have been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation.

Burdge shot a man -- a current employee of the CDCR -- after lying in wait at the man's northwest Bakersfield residence Wednesday evening, police said. Hit once, the man was able to get inside his house and barricade the door.

He survived and was taken to a local hospital for treatment. Police say an alleged marital affair involving one of the men may have led to the shooting.

Burdge fled the area and officers discovered he may have been driving a dark blue Mercedes Benz two-door. Police said California Highway Patrol officers found a car matching that description abandoned a quarter mile west of I-5 on Stockdale Highway at 4:10 a.m. continue reading...

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