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Monday, February 4, 2013

Correctional officers lose bid to flip $5 million defamation case

A federal appellate court has ruled that a $5 million judgement against California's prison officers' union will stand, brushing aside the group's arguments that the sum is excessive and that a federal jury's verdict in the case was wrong.

"We're disappointed that our appeal was unsuccessful, but we'll comply with the court and move forward," California Correctional Peace Officers Association spokesman JeVaughn Baker said this morning.

Does that mean the union will continue the court fight?

"We'll confer with our attorneys to determine the viability of our remaining options," Baker said.

Still, the decision issued Friday could have been worse for CCPOA. Plaintiff Brian Dawe had contended that he should receive more than twice as much money, but the appellate court disagreed.

Dawe successfully argued during a 2010 federal jury trial that CCPOA officials had ruined his name and his livelihood in a business dispute. The jury awarded a total $12 million in damages, but presiding Judge Lawrence Karlton said that sum was excessive and reduced it to $4.96 million.

While CCPOA appealed, Dawe filed his own appeal to the Ninth Circuit, asking that it restore the jury's award……The State Worker: Correctional officers lose bid to flip $5 million defamation case


Anonymous said...

A few things need to be done here, how much has ccpoa officials spent of the membership money on this case? Pay Dawe at once.
Now, since this was a case lost, in other words, the people led by Mike Jimenez and Mike, are guilty of slandering Dawe.
Now, as for us the ccpoa membership at large, demand the following, since we the membership at large were not part of nor authorized the slander of Dawe.
Mike Jimenez and everyone of the leadership that have been found guilty of the slander by the courts, shall be terminated immediately.
Next Mike Jimenez and all of the leadership that slandered Dawe must be civilly sued by ccpoa to recoup the losses incurred by Mike Jimenez and his partners for their slander of Dawe.
If these demands are not met within the next 48 hours, all dues paying members must turn to fair share and after more the 50% of membership doing so, ccpoa must be de-certified and disbanded and another labor organization be found for the benefit of bargaining unit 6 employees.
If not, then bargaining unit 6 employees are done,,,,

Anonymous said...

rightly so

Retired Guard said...

Jimenez and his Thugs, MUST GO!

It's tgime for the Membership to rise-up from the squating position and take action.