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Friday, February 22, 2013

Salinas Valley inmate convicted of multiple crimes against prison staff

The Monterey County District Attorney’s office reports that Timothy Peoples, a 32-year-old inmate at Salinas Valley State Prison, was convicted by a jury Feb. 14 of six felony offenses.

The offenses included two counts of assault by a life prisoner with the intent to inflict great bodily injury and two counts of criminal threats for attacking two correctional officers and attempting to throw them off a second floor walkway to the first floor below. Those offenses occurred on Jan.5, 2009, at the Correctional Training Facility in Soledad.

He was also convicted of battery on a third correctional officer by spitting on her face at Salinas Valley State Prison on April 5, 2011. Finally, he was convicted of battery by a prisoner upon a non-prisoner for kicking a fourth correctional officer and causing injury on May 5, 2011, also at Salinas Valley State Prison.

Following the jury’s verdict, Judge Julie R. Culver on Feb. 20 found Peoples had four prior strike convictions in a 1995 Los Angeles County case. One conviction was for first-degree murder of a female cousin, whom he shot in the head at point blank range. Another conviction was for attempted murder based on Peoples shooting a 7-year-old girl. The third conviction was for using a firearm to assault the Pomona police officer who was responding to the shooting of the little girl. His fourth conviction was for committing a felony battery resulting in great bodily injury on a police officer. For these offenses he was already serving a life term……Salinas Valley inmate convicted of multiple crimes against prison staff | The Salinas Californian | thecalifornian.com


Anonymous said...

Six more life terms on top of the one he is serving already? That should teach him! Excute that piece of garbage

Anonymous said...

Why waste the time and money if you cannot give him an indefinite SHU term