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Saturday, February 9, 2013

State Board notes

State Board notes:

The MOU is the number one priority right now. The bill number to track our MOU is AB237 the negotiation team was selected and approved. 

They will be meeting with the state about the redirects. Some institutions are redirecting over and above to what was agreed upon. 

Wave 3: Stockton accepted 165 permanent full time officers. No report date as of yet. Stockton should have 1,700 beds filled by the end of December. Around the end of July, they expect their first inmates. They will be adding more staff around Aug/Sept. Total C/O’s around 470. Dewitt, will add another 200 C/O’s. 

Gold Shield is $65 and covers you 24/7. CCPOA Blue Shield doesn’t know if they will be given rebate checks out all the time, but if they can they will.

If you haven’t changed your beneficiary you need to contract Benefit Trust Fund. There have been some issues lately because the beneficiary was not changed. Don’t assume because you changed it at the institution it is changed. Call the Benefit Trust Fund. 

Walk time case: first phase around the end of July. 

POFFII: Federal Regulations is the biggest obstacle. They are working on three different options: 1) Roll over into a 457 or 401K account 2) Pers account retirement 3) Cash out (with huge penalties) 
They are hoping to have it done by July, along with the contract. There is no bill number for it right now.

Overtime Checks: More money was being taken out for Pers on the Overtime checks. They are almost done with the audit. There is a lot of money coming back around a million dollars. The checks range from .01 to $359. Some people will get multiple checks. This issue has been going for almost three years. 

They will have a meeting next week to find out when PICOs will be rolled over to Permanent Full Time. There is no date yet, but the state is saying about the end of April. Which will be the end of Wave 3. 

The budget took the majority of the day. 
Next State Board Meeting: April 24, 25 in Sacramento.

-Ali Guitron 


Anonymous said...

Any discussion about laid off officers getting re-employed?

Anonymous said...

HDSP & Pelican Day sound good to you yet!!!

Ali Guitron (Avenal State Prison) said...

No talk about those that are laid off. There's still might be up to two move waves

Anonymous said...

No they don't sound good yet. I would loose custody of my daughter.

KNOW IT ALL said...

Thanks Ali for posting...

Anonymous said...

How are you going to raise your daughter if you are unemployed?

Anonymous said...

As usual the union doesn't know anything. Today I got the re-employment letter from the state wanting to know where I would be willing to work. They had a list of places hiring which was just about everywhere at first glance. No Stockton facility but DVI was there. No numbers listed. The week of March 4 was listed as the time for actual "job offers".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its true. I got my letter from Workforce plannig today. I was laid off in October and now I will get rehired. Every pen in the state is listed permanent fulltime. No Stockton facility though.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone how many waves are remaining? When this whole thing started I had read 8 waves, but cannot find anything to support that.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure the "waves" are done. ccpoa knows nothing, does nothing and is nothing. DO NOT LET THEM TELL YOU THEY DID ANYTHING FOR YOU!! I believe the shit is about to hit the fan as far as inmates coming back. cdc-r is getting ready for the "waves" of inmate influx. The counties have spoken and said cdc-r must house cdc inmates and all of them that have been and will be convicted at higher degrees of offenses will be coming in very soon.

Relavent said...