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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Facility bustling as it prepares for first inmates

The RecordThe state's newest prison, the $900 million California Health Care Facility, is quickly nearing completion in southeast Stockton.

Buildings are complete, systems are being tested, furnishings are going into place and the medical prison's employees are moving into their permanent homes.

Warden Ron Rackley said he and other prison employees began moving into the administration building off Austin Road about a month ago.

"That was a big boost of energy for the staff," he said Tuesday. "Some of the health care staff are already working in some of the housing units."

Eventually, the facility will house more than 1,700 prisoners with chronic health and mental illness, and employ 2,400 corrections officers, psychiatric and medical technicians, nurses and doctors, and more.

Rackley had joined members of the Construction Oversight Committee - a panel formed to ensure the project met its goals for hiring local workers and contracting with area businesses - on a walking tour of the facility Tuesday morning.

With the first prisoner/inmates to begin arriving in mid-July, the 1.2 million-square-foot project remains very much an active construction site, said Andrew Freeman, the tour leader.

Freeman, a senior construction manager with URS Lend-Lease, handed out hard hats and high-visibility vests and cautioned the visitors to watch out for vehicles, heavy equipment and other hazards. continue reading...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reality check don't get your hopes up, soon enough the sound bites of we're in a better place then we were decades ago will fill the air.

The design has been carefully made and SEIU's contract negotiations will be the template for the remaining state civil servant unions. A 4.5 percent raise over 3 years, far less than the largest union in California negotiated for. You can expect the rest of the union leaders to bow down because they will be forced to accept the state's terms. There is no good negotiations ever done from a lopsided position of weakness.