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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Women accused of trying to smuggle marijuana and hashish into prison using Skittles and Corn Nuts bags

Imperial Valley PressTwo women were arrested over the weekend after Calipatria State Prison
authorities found marijuana in a Skittles bag and hashish in a Corn Nuts bag, according to a prison official.

In the first instance, a San Dimas woman was arrested and her small child was turned over to Child Protective Services after authorities found marijuana in a Skittles candy bag at the Prison where she was visiting on Sunday.

Cristina Walker, 28, came to the prison to visit convicted murderer Eden Mangram with her three-year-old child, said Lt. Everardo Silva, prison administrative assistant public information officer.

Prison staff noticed she was chewing gum, which is not allowed since it can be used to jam locking mechanisms, and during questioning, Walker appeared nervous.

She later relinquished a Skittles candy bag with nine individually color-wrapped bindles of marijuana and a combined weight of 10 grams. The marijuana has an estimated prison value of $2,300, Silva said.

The evidence linked Mangram to the crime, and he was placed into the prison’s administration segregation unit.

Walker was booked into Imperial County jail on suspicion of felony charges, and her child was turned over to CPS staff.

In the second instance, Angelina Chavira, 22, of West Covina, came to the prison to visit Dat Nguyen, a man convicted of attempted murder.

Prison staff noticed suspicious behavior by Chavira and Nguyen, and during questioning, Chavira relinquished a Corn Nut bag with seven individually wrapped bindles containing a total of 23 grams of hashish.

The hashish has an estimated prison value of $10,350 due to the fact that hashish is made of compressed or purified cannabis product, Silva said.

The evidence in this instance also linked the inmate to the crime, and Nguyen was placed into the prison’s administration segregation unit. Chavira was booked into Imperial County jail on suspicion of felony charges.

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