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Friday, December 5, 2014

Ex-prison guard admits smuggling phone

PE.netA 52-year-old Lake Elsinore man pleaded guilty to a federal bribery charge Tuesday, Dec. 2, for smuggling a cell phone into a San Pedro federal prison for $1,000 cash.

Luis A. Borjon was a correctional officer at the the Federal Correctional Institution, Terminal Island, when he approached an inmate at the prison in November 2012 and solicited a “loan,” according to court documents.

As part of his plea, he admitted he took the payment while employed by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.

The inmate put him in touch with the inmate’s brother, who was not in custody, and the brother provided Borjon with a number for a disposable phone.

The brother met Borjon at a Lake Elsinore gas station in January 2013, when Borjon accepted cash and a phone to deliver to the inmate. Other correctional officers found and seized the smuggled cell phone inside the prison.

Borjon pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner in Los Angeles. The defendant faces to up to 15 years in federal prison when he appears for sentencing before the judge Feb. 23.

The defendant was indicted by a federal grand jury in June, arrested Sept. 16 and freed on bail.
The U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General and the FBI conducted the investigation with assistance from the Drug Enforcement Administration.

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