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Friday, December 5, 2014

POFF News from CCPOA

To: State Board of Directors


We have received some complaints regarding the inability to get through on the POFF information telephone number. For those who are calling for the sole purpose of getting a hard copy of the...
forms, please see the note below which was sent by a POFF rep:
Subject: RE: POFF Participant

The forms were not included in the termination packet because there are different forms based on the participant’s decision to rollover or take a cash distribution.
The forms are available online without logging into the account and they can be printed in hard copy.

To access the forms, the participants go to the website:
https://poffsup.voyaplans.com/eportal/welcome.do and select Plan Information on the right side of the page. In the drop down box, the participant selects POFF Supplemental Plan. All of the necessary forms are located in the tab Plan Information under 'Forms.'”

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