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Friday, June 7, 2013

California board will audit executive jobs filled by retirees

SacbeeThe State Personnel Board has decided to begin auditing the practice of retired annuitants getting career executive assignments.

The decision, announced at the board's meeting this week, falls shy of what the Coalition of State Advocate Groups and Organizations wanted, namely a full hearing into the policy reported in an April investigation by The Bee.

The coalition says that appointing retired annuitants as CEAs breaches state policy, overpays the retirees for the work they actually perform and fosters cronyism. Since the personnel board exists to watchdog state government's civil-service merit system, the group asked the five-member panel to hold a hearing.

While the personnel board has a part in authorizing new career executive positions, it doesn't control retiree hiring policy. That's the California Department of Human Resource's job (and CalHR as of last month had two retirees appointed to CEA positions).

Board chairwoman Patricia Clarey read this statement into the record Tuesday: continue reading...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Timing is everything when are the laid off custody people resuming their careers in the department? Does anyone know how their time off of work effect their retirement, are they still on the old system or the new hire deal that would push back the retirement eligibility?